Saturday, November 23, 2013


Over-Gaming: The Intermediate/Advanced Sticking Point Hey Fellas, today I want to talk about over-gaming - the single most common and most detrimental problem most community guys have. Over-gaming is especially common since many of same traits that enable a person to improve quickly in the early stages remain active as the guy reaches an intermediate level, now working as a detriment rather than an advantage. Ask anyone who’s made it to an advanced level and they’ll tell you the later stages are about removing pieces and simplifying the game, rather than adding more on – or put more succinctly you might get an answer like “game is for chodes”… Note: This article assumes in the reader a certain degree of game proficiency and is intended for intermediate to advanced guys. Over-gaming stems from the idea that you have to “do” to be attractive – that you have to “game” to get girls. Well in the beginning this is certainly true – if you’re not a naturally outgoing person forcing yourself to get out there and meet people is an active push. Self-diagnosing weak points and working on them is a cognitive process that enables some people to rapidly develop and hone their social skills, while others seemingly stagnate. Ironically, the entire mental process of actively improving one’s game is diametrically opposed to the mindset needed to reach an elite level – the “I am the Game” mindset, and because thought patterns are addictive, once one entrenches themselves in this pattern of cognition and calibration outgrowing it can be one of the game’s biggest challenges. So then, what is over-gaming and why is it so detrimental to one’s game? Over-gaming is the external behavior pattern stemming from the internal belief that one needs to actively ‘game’ in order to get the girl. Interestingly, it’s root cause varies depending on what stage in the game the guy is. For beginners, over-gaming is most often caused by either a failure to recognize attraction or MORE LIKELY an inability to accept that the girl actually likes him. For whatever reason, the guy keeps ‘running high-octane game’ and the attraction rapidly fizzles out as the girl recognizes the dancing-monkey behavior as most likely low self esteem on the part of the guy. For those approaching intermediate level, over-gaming can often be traced to an addition to attraction and reaction. The guy has reached a skill level where he can frequently trigger attraction in girls and as a he is HOOKED. Attraction becomes like a drug and he NEEDS his fix – he spikes attraction over and over until the girl’s circuits eventually fry like the FemBots in Austin Powers. (More commonly the girl recognizes the guy’s failure to shift out of attraction as insecure, but either way…) (Admittedly I spent some time in this phase though for different reasons. As a young hotshot eager to make a name for myself I’d go out not to pull but rather to show off – as a result attraction became the focus.) And for those approaching an advanced level – those for whom this article is written – over-gaming is a product of habit. Your social skills have reached a high level but your internal identification with your new high value is lagging behind. As a result there is a massive incongruence in your actions – you carry yourself as a high value guy, but your belief system betrays you and reveals to the girl that ‘something is not right here’. (Note, this is also EXTREMELY common in good-looking community guys, as they often look massively incongruent when trying to run “high octane game”. The example I give here is if an average girl were to be approached by Brad Pitt in a bar. Her heart rate shoots through the roof, but then Brad starts doing something weird. He starts pumping attraction, running high octane game, even going dancing-monkey. Now I want to ask you… how fucking weirded out would the girl be?? Her question would be “Why are you being like this??” Well, as a guy who resonates high-value sub-communications, ‘running game’ can be equally ‘off’ and even work to weird people out. At this level in the game, Less Becomes More. Sort of like wasabi on sushi – if it’s crap wasabi you need a lot…but the better the wasabi, the less you use, and any amount more becomes too much. This is a concept I’ve been dancing around with for a while now, but it really crystallized for me a little while ago when interacting with an incredibly hot girl that I literally pulled away from rock stars. At one point we’re talking and she threw out the quintessential congruence test – “I don’t like your shirt”. I looked down at my shirt and genuinely said “Really? I got this in LA, I think it’s rad.” I chuckled a little bit inside as in conventional community dogma this is verbatim what NOT to say… Her response: “Oh no, I didn’t mean it, I’m just giving you a hard time, I’m really sarcastic” as she grabbed me and started grinding. Let’s dissect possible ways this could have gone. I’d already interacted with her for 10 mins so she knew what kind of guy I was. Suppose I’d instead still felt the need to ‘game” at this point: Her: “I don’t like your shirt” Me: “And by that you mean you don’t like it on me and you’d like to see it crumpled on the floor next to your bed, woah slow down!” Her: “OMG HAHAHA” Here I certainly spiked her, and game wisdom says I built attraction and such – BUT, THE VERY IDEA THAT I “BUILT” ATTRACTION IS PREDICATED ON THE NOTION THAT I DON’T ALREADY HAVE IT! She laughs and thinks to herself “ohh, this guy’s funny” or “ohh this guy’s hot”. Great, that’s certainly a decent place to be – at least at a beginner or intermediate level. But fact is, at an advanced level this is shit - Merde. Let’s scrap the game – realize that you are the 10. Her: “I don’t like your shirt” Me: “Really? I got it in LA, I think it’s rad” Her: ”Oh no, I didn’t mean it, I’m just giving you a hard time, I’m really sarcastic” Now she thinks to herself: “Fuck, that was a dumb thing to say, I need to tone down the sarcasm and start being sweeter”. Of course these emotional reactions are based on the idea that she already knows you’re a money guy. Here let me ask you a question… When you’re talking to a girl, how long does it take you to realize that she’s hot? Well… what makes you think it takes her any longer? (note: if you can’t distinguish between ‘physically good looking’ and ‘hot’ than this article is not for you) Realistically in the example above that one response to 1 statement by her will have an inconsequential effect – but you combine the net effect over 1, 5, 10 minutes of interaction and the effect becomes profound. As you become a money guy You Become The Game. Being YOU is the best way to be – any time you’re not being YOU, anytime you ‘run game’ you’re actually straying away from being that 10 out of 10. So if this sounds like you, next time you’re in set and that pause comes don’t rush to fill it. When you feel the vibe dropping don’t rush to revive it. When you sense your brain darting to access the perfect response like you’ve done a thousand times before, tell it to chill. Take a pause. Bring ‘Chode’ Back. Tyler is famously quoted as saying “Attraction is the easiest part of the game – the hardest part is getting the girl to think she actually has a chance with you”. Well, in this regard, Less is More. The self is always shining through – be confident letting it show, knowing you don’t need to ‘tell’. The girl has an idea in her head of how getting a money guy should feel, how it should go down… be the guy that gives her that experience – don’t be ‘Brad Pitt running game’ You’ve made it – it was easier than you thought. Recognize you’re here, on the other side now, so stop acting like a chode… because at this point, it is ‘acting’. Cheers, Ryan p.s. Comments on the blog are much appreciated

Like Attracts Like

Like Attracts Like "If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction and happiness, we will attract and create people, situations, and events which conform to our positive expectations." ~ Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization Was there ever a person in your life that you knew you were meant to meet and who came along at the perfect time, with the best answer? Miraculously, they had exactly what you needed, as though Serendipity had sprinkled its magic fairy dust over you. This was the Law of Attraction working as your own personal-assistant, bringing about what you wanted. It was because you asked for help that help arrived. ‘Ask and it is given’ is part of the Law – which will bring the right people to your doorstep at the right time. The Universal Manager If the principle of vibration works with people, let’s see how it works with our goals too. Think of the Law of Attraction as the great universal manager that assures all thoughts and feelings line up with one another. Every thought and feeling sends out an energetic signal that attracts a matching signal back. Just like radio waves vibrate at a certain frequency -- which you can pick up in your car the moment you tune into their exact wavelength -- your thought patterns vibrate too, and are ‘picked up’ by those people and things that you desire and that match your signals. So back and forth it goes: the signals resonate with one another until one day, the thing you desire shows up in the world of form. Sound like a bit of a stretch doesn’t it? But, if you accept the premise that everything is connected and interrelated, and synchronous events are happening on a level that you can’t see, (just like you can’t see radio waves but can hear the sound of music when you’re radio is on) why wouldn’t it work? Vibration as and Attractor Think of people as energetic, vibrational beings for a moment. Yes, we are chemical and biological beings, but we also send out energy vibrations that are felt by others. Some of the electrical currents created by our bodies can be measured with EKGs and EEGs, and some are just vibes, ‘picked up’ by our senses. Some people simply walk into a room and the whole place lights up, and most everyone wants to be around them. These attractive people give us the feeling of being uplifted and inspired while others repel, drain and exhaust us. Could it be that we’re responding to energy signals based on how people are thinking, feeling and being? Birds of a Feather Flock Together Like me, I’m sure you’ve had the experience of meeting somebody for the first time and instantly liking that person. The two of you just ‘connected’ and you both felt as though you’d known each other forever. You were attracted to one another, not romantically speaking although it can be that too. As much as you were drawn to them, you’ve also been equally repelled by other people, right? Beyond physical appearances, something else is going on. The Law of Attraction says: That which is like unto itself is drawn. This could explain why we feel like ‘two peas in a pod’ with our best friend, and like ‘two ships passing’ with a mere acquaintance. We are naturally attracted to some people and quite repelled by others; and while there’s nothing tangible on which to base our like or dislike, some people feel ‘right’ and some don’t. And some people put off such ‘bad vibes’ that we can’t wait to get away from them. But what’s interesting is that even these seemingly miserable people have friends. We’ve all heard it said that misery loves company, which explains why negative, critical and complaining people can still find and attract an audience. You must begin to see yourself as a center of energy living amidst a much vaster, all encompassing field of energy. You are in the soup, so to speak. This means that you can gradually, gently and purposefully raise your own personal energy field to be a highly attractive one, to be sure. And as you do, you greatly increase the speed in which your desires come zooming toward you. Principle of Vibration You will attract and manifest the things that match your vibration; and the things you vibrate are always moving toward you "Picture yourself vividly as winning and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success. Great living starts with a picture, held in your imagination,of what you would like to do or be." ~ Harry Emerson Fosdick, Minister Tips: If you want to raise yourself out of unpleasant circumstances, all you need to do is raise your internal vibration by changing your signals. Like thoughts attract like experiences so when you think about what you’d rather have, it starts happening right away or begins to work its way into your life. Questions: What requests are you making by the thought signals you’re sending out? What emotional vibes are you feeling within yourself, and therefore by default, putting into the world? Affirm: “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself.” “I am wonderful.” “I am healthy, vibrant and light.” “I am always surrounded by supportive, helpful and positive people.” Try This: If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to spend time with that person? If not, just for today, feed only kind and loving messages to yourself. Repeat the above affirmations silently throughout the day today. This will instantly increase your internal vibration which will gradually become a new and totally super-charged pattern of energy emitted from your own personal field. Positive thoughts vibrate at a higher frequency and enable you to attract the positive things these thoughts vibrate with. Simply start by talking to yourself in a more positive way in this next minute, then in this next hour. Need Help with this Principle? Email Christen your questions at

Persistency and when backing off :being aware of your target

it is PROVEN that when you meet a woman to stricke while the iron is hot... you have to "build momentum" email -text- call -voice -rapport -laugh (BT spike)-and set a date...or go direct by complementing her and using social pressure frame so she can move forward to date.. usually you want the date to assume SEX will happen...the whole vibe should be flirty and that "SEX will happen" usually for another date after this one is if you didnt have sex ..what happens is you need to elicit..scarcity.. next day you call or text..this might come off needy but as a man you need to take initiative. when this becomes a problem of girls who after 1st date logistics and time and it gets too Gary Broadsky says "striek when iron is hot more time you spend more emotions will be involved and it wont go anywhere." this is very true. Mark gave me advice once on when he was in Vegas he explained he met a woman who had a kid,he met her in he did his dating solution practical pickup ebook text and she flaked and he followed up the next day.. when I asked Mark if he wait few days to let it go he told me "attraction is fluid want to keep her in check if you wait it wont help you towards your text her the next day that you want to meet up and if she cant or doesnt then she knows the ball is on her court. and you stop wasting time" I noticed this is real....and knowing their emotions and tryign to raise and change this.. this relates from bt spiking and rapport mirroring and moving forward the pickup by controllling her emotions. dan badboy lifestyles explains this in videos and in his program aon emotional intelligence.. and how it interacts with NLP possitive emotions * ALWAYS ALWAYS if you have other important stuff first then focus on that VS woman..if you get caught in the middle gaming a girl and you dont close then more you try in terms of not being socially or emotionally aware then it comes off as NEEDY and incongruent...thus my theory is EFFECTIVELY ON POINT. theres a time and place to be persistent and time and place when to back off when it isnt in your favor... this is somewhat parralell worlds to business and real life.. that is why women will gravitate towards biological sense of attraction to successful person.. ofcourse there will be low type women,,trashy who will do drugs and smoke get pregnant when they are 17..they are with guys who are low themselves.. in some sense "Like attracts Like " I dont know if this is deepak or spiritual or micheal lee 21 day persuasion. Actually it was Gary boradsky in his program where he talks of As If and like attracts like.. EXCELLENT.. summary dont overgame.. dont over do anything..if you have value and you feel you are ..would bradp be too eager to text a woman before he slept with her? only if he seized the moment ..THAT EXACT MOMENT WHERE YOU HAVE HER RECEPTIVITY IS WHEN YOU PERSIST...other than that it isnt worth it cause at the wrong moment where she isnt feeling it (based on her current emotions which could be groggy,bored her PERIOD) YOU DONT HAVE ANY CONTROL OF therefore that is where DETACHMENT comes in and you are moving forward. this is where the persuasive things that WORK. you dont have to be rash about dont have to be too full on direct! this is the BALANCE OF BEING A PIMPLIKE GOD LIKE CHARACTER like a Lion and under the table you are pulling emotional strings. you manage map it out..never WING can improv but DONT WING IT. CAUSE YOU WONT GET LAID. next topic is Social Proof * and how many celebrity and mostly 50 uses this and from AdamAFCLyons uses this very smeaky yet its great warmup and positive thing. Taken into consideration SOCIAL AWARENESS and NOT Creepy factor... talk about CREEPY FACTOR AND PERSISTANCE...this post on Sleavy was pretty good read and its comments. his advice is Ok somewhat partial.. but this is realistic consequence of BALANCE the SCALE of when to persist and when NOT

Thursday, November 14, 2013


i was one of thouse guys who read too much and wouldnt get laid.. YOU HAVE TO ENVISION YOURSELF AS A ENTREPENUER A CEO and WOMEN ARE YOUR FLIGHT ATTENDANTS as THEY ARE FOR A RIDE Aside from PUA my natural friend taught me the "Take the initiative" and just go for it ..helped me.. I felt I didnt have to do more stuff after attraction and comfort..just lead to have sex and cuddle.. "I havent bathroom pulled or 3 some...but I want to solidify this first with 15 lays in a low and then move to more advanced..." I used to use RSDs applied from infield to online. Ive calibrated it to my personality and modified to add routines... Jeffy stuff is too much incongruent and comon sense comes into effct here based on her response i can banter or run comfort.... most guys banter too much and the girls get validation and BT spike from it that they dont want comfort and they stay as online friends cause they like the attention...which sucks . others you have to build momentum and tease them when they get all like she says: " Im busy maybe 2 weeks Im available,but Im not sure " other guys say : OK or F you or start offering themselves too eager and too easy I have to credit Vince Kelvin pua master hypnotist and NLP seduction expert on calling her on it while not being a jerk or amnoging her...something is rarel;y taught even when I was infield I had a bad habit of overteasing and it came off as AMOGchallenge and intmidating rather than "light fun and flirty" (credit AFC adam) back to what she said -her: " Im busy maybe 2 weeks Im available,but Im not sure " translation into MY's world: "I hope you are cool guy that is going to pass my shittest cause Im acting like a little girl that wants to be spanked when I actually want you to fuck me" I say : "well you are right Im going to have my personal assitant contact your representative and We ll see if theres space for August or November" Why I say this ?! for 2 reasons badboy says "change her mood not her mind" breaking rapport ala AFC adam this is the difference of players and average good looking guys its a rejection of her frame and you are showing thats absurd what she is saying withiut insulting her...if she doesnt get it and doesnt laugh after I say that...then I drop her and I know that Im not going to sleep with her..if she laughs that means she is attracted and theres sex involved..its a gut intuition about it .... she assumes that you make other girls laugh if you make her laugh...automatic attractive quality and preselection trait. Tyler says BT spiking and MarkEntropy uses this all the time to make girls horny THIS HELPED from scott patterson whoever the fuck he is: A Thousand Year Old Attraction Secret... Today I want to talk about a character trait that's been attracting desirable women for THOUSANDS of years. This is another quality that'll make you more NATURALLY attractive to women. So let's talk about this trait AND why it's important for getting the kind of women YOu want: Act Like a Leader, Not a Follower Women want men to act like men, and part of displaying your masculinity is to display courage and confidence. With that said, YOU have to be the one to take things to the next level. This means that YOU be the one to take the initiative. Be the one to ask her out. Make the first move. And act like a man who is not afraid to take things to the next level. Besides being the one responsible for progressing the relationship, a man also has to put effort into keeping it alive. One of the harsh realities of dating is that women get bored... REALLY quickly. If you're not providing a fun, exciting experience, then you run the risk of forcing her to find a guy who will! A lot of times, women will settle when it comes time to pick a romantic partner. Usually, this comes from a fear of being alone or not finding a comfortable relationship. The problem is, while they're in a stable situation, most women secretly yearn for the guy who can provide them with a bit of excitement. Someone who acts like a "leader of men." Women want a guy who is not afraid to take action. This is a quality that stems from the way we evolved as human beings. The "leaders of men" were often the most sexually desirable. When a woman would select a mating partner, she would inevitably gravitate towards the guys who were a cut above the rest... the leaders. Here's more about this quality (and more) that make you stand apart from other guys: ===> So what draws a woman to a leader of a group? Most of the time, this type of guy wasn't the smartest, best looking, or even the toughest, but the leader did have one quality... He could control the actions of other men. So how do you display the leadership quality? The best way to demonstrate this trait is through your actions. With women, you can't tell them that you're a leader - you have to show it through the things that you do. First off, this quality is illustrated clearly through the way YOU make decisions. Whereas the inferior male waffles in his choices, the Leader in charge is decisive. He's able to quickly access a situation and make an instant decision. In order to "stand out from the crowd," you should make decisive choices and have the confidence to stick by them. Another way to show leadership is through the way you handle social interactions. The leader is somebody who can control a conversation, but ensures that everyone is included. Furthermore, a guy like this is somebody who enjoys planning an activity or taking charge of an event. Instead of allowing others to make decisions, the leader is the one who everyone looks to for good times or excitement. In essence, he's the focal point of any interaction! Finally, you can identify a leader by his body language. In a social interaction, he's somebody who: *** Makes strong eye contact with everyone *** Is the center of a conversation *** Moves at the front of the pack as a group travels *** Seems relaxed and casual *** Tells interesting stories that captivate everyone's attention As you can see, there are a lot of qualities and traits that capture the essence of a leader. The important thing to remember is that you should always be the person who is in charge of your social circle. Don't rely on others to take charge. Instead, be the guy who everyone looks to for an exciting experience.

Flashes of greatness part 2 -LR RAW Uncut 2009 and few notes of advice to a friend.

I have to say that this 2009 was Experimenting and pushing my comfort: Pardon my grammar skills. I closed on thursday night on my date... :) met up with her instantly was confusing me where she was and when I saw her I slapped her in the ass assume rapport teassed her. not alot of kino. She kissed me kind of right off and I stopped and said too soon. I take it way and stop. her BT actual BT she was like its hot I would talk and make her laugh and confuse her (I was kind of nervous) took her to wine bar lead and I thought what we talked dude. I didnt kiss her there. (different from what I was doing ) the intereaction was subtle sexually but it was like she initate it and I would just look at her and smile.( another thing we talked about Id overescalate or run the train) I paid for the drink and one mini burger slicers we shared or whatever and I told her she had to pay for dessert she said OK we were walking but I didnt want to kill momentum so I had initally timebridged in the beginning about apt and the view of other buildings its nice to watch. we took a cab to the corner store and she padi for an ice cream and said I lets eat this here and I will walk you to you train station cause I have to get up early tomorrow.and she said NO i dont do that and I said what Im asking you to share icecream and you are out the door and laugh.. we got up there and the roomie was watching laker game so ...he used that excuse the other day so he could pull his girl in his room... so I said my friend is watching the game and I want to show you the view..she got in my room and I sat on the bed and I told her to take of her shoes and whatever then no sexual touching just taking turns feeding each other on pint of ice cream with the spoons (male female dynamic- latin thing i dont know) she kept saying I cant beleiev Im doing this and I would kiss her everytime she said that and she want it more I stop and act like the typical hard to get girl would freeze out with eating ice cream and telling her "there is no sex tonight Im tired " she would say I never said anything about sex, I dont do that ..then at one point it way hot I couldnt touch her tits to licking a pierced one and she wouldnt let me touch her down there and she had her clothes on but I I took off my pants tried EL Topo Kung fu penis from what mickey taught us waay back (I had an idea but never tried it since I had read the hype and im just playing SOLID like we spoke on the phone) and she tottally disarmed KFP and said "You do that to yourself " and If I insisted I knew it was needy. I stopped and said you are right, went AFC on purpose to fuck with her head "lets take thing slow and if we like each other later on then maybe we will get together some other time" got up and pulled my pants.but right before I had my hands grabbing her ass and i knew she was arroused. and she said no dont stop! Ohh shit! I knew I had something here I never ever imagine would happen since I did deep confort she opened up and said she's been hurt and could fuck other people etc etc .I went into nonjudgmental frame but not sexual explicit. I did kind of on th ephone with her but ran it again realting to what she said. and we were talking about tats and showed me her tat of S&M and that she like to be submissive slaped and tied up... WOW! I kisse her after that and told her that I think thats was cool and Im not going to judge her for it,,,and that it turned me on.after that we fucked ( half viagra and a red bull) and left her at train station to brokylnn at 3am... the problem is I didnt define the relationship cause I was in soo deep and she told me she wanted a BF. I said that lets see where this goes... she was on top of me during the convo I was locked in the bed .lol. I met her 2 days ago breifly and talked on the phone ran comfort but very funny and I ende the convo I saw her up 8:45 and 10 were havng this convo. closed her and the ice cream melted................... NOTE 9 and 10 game by braddok..use high sexual esteemt and low self esteem CaptainJAck... qualify and compliment only by what she qualifies herself and unique and cold read before you do it it sets their frame... use my dhv modifed stripeer myserty and qualify hard with this in the middle of comfort then go for make out,,,dont it lightly on the leg when she is telling something really deep about herself...dont talk about about her passions and how her personality came about...don't neg...tease a little once in comfort.. DONT GO SEXUAL UNTIL YOU GOT HER BACK IN YOUR PLACE...if you do go sexual then blame her for making you sexual and make it a light chill slow things down and feel like you are cool and like its the TWO of you (Natural Tim bubble of "You and I")... use social proof but dont focus on badboys "SHhh" kiss close.If she is foreign and subtle sexual subcommunication NONVERBAL -eye contact and eliciting her arrousal(Looyd all around the world. BRAD Punderground talk on arousal) is stronger effect is NONVERBAL on women than blabering before a makeout,,,,,like in the movies and sweepingoff the feet effect....she is a fine woman. but if you are too mervous then MY BEST ADVICE is GO TO A STRIP CLUB and but have a redbull and talk to the girls and do eye contact and dont buy a dance...beofre the date do this and your confidence will show that you are around theses hot woman all the time...FOOLS your brain I call it Dennis Rodman GAME. :P

Flashes of Greatness - Lessons from 2009 Part 1

you are the MAN! I like this..i know its inner game but how to demonstrate it to a woman... is pretty cool I like when you said always have a plan in mind for the outcome eventhough dont get emotionally invested in it. 1-you curious about her is qualification 2-Leadership and taking charge=handle logistics..always to your house for sex 3-open minded and conversation about anything she spits out 4-high risks in an intelligent sort of way thats more favorable...right? :) 5-thorowing in any suggestions on beig spontaneous 6-be social intelligent but show that you have always positive experiences..therefore misinterpret what favors you in your reality..positivty mindset is ok but should be turned off when it comes to improving or working on something 7-control his emotions and reactions...sexual mature 8- thats my secret to deep comfort #8 being sweet and romantic yet push pull forcing her to be the aggressor.. NLP hypnosis go first principle and then calibrate if she conplies and opens up then you are baiting her and making her invest into you... 9- he stands out without verballizing baiting her to say it there fore comfrim tm her mind that he is different 10- very meticulous and detailed person that tell you he like something and say why ...justifies a reason then typical guys that just say nice this but dont say why or dont specify to her to make it more meaning full.. this is awesome im doing a little bit of everything I like this dude!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Example of unstaged sexual escalation

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Killing your PUA Ego..that little boy seeking validation from women and your FALSE identity

I had a spiritual feedback from seeking my awareness... and being negative inside the issues that were beneath the deepest of the deepest...

This PUA EGO...wanted to validate myself as a MAN and this was destructive to ME in my Life and thanks to Lauren J...she as a spiritual friend advisor she helped me become aware of my ISSUE..

is really letting my body and mind belong to the FALSE IDENTITY of  PUA EGO...somethign that "I NEED TO GAME I NEED TO ENDLESSLY NEED TO SLEEP WITH WOMEN ALL THE TIME"

Like an addiction..

it sabotaged me in several areas where I needed myself my full self yet I let this distract me..

so her advice helped me become AWARE,,

and so aside of meditating and looking into myself and logically really focus...making the decision to really place effort into important aspects of life ...not women not PUA and really putting everything behind me..

I needed to BE #1

as Stephen NAsh says "Discovering your Purpose"

came like floating ontop of water...

I focused on trying to reframe my energy and controlling myself

reframe was really great reading Greg Frost Emotional Mastery pdf...which states controlling your own emotions and taking action how Mind needs to control body and urges...and shows wonderful examples from histroy including Gandhi..

Then putting into practice my friend Monique's advice  from
"focus like a Boxer into a fight"

I read boxers prepare like trainign day and sex just to be angry and well focused..

So Im trying to focus will full energy with this important PURPOSE TASK which will help my Life to Change..

I found Eric Thomas...and Ray Lewis EFFORT motivation which led to my deeper strength..

I have a structure now and creating Myself  MY LIFE..MY responsibility as ADULT..
My finances...ETC


Advice from Lauren was that this PUA EGO was to Kill my success and wanting to destroy ME,,,from my MAIN GOAL right now..

so aside of lower the volume..the most drastic action as a man is  KILLING IT

Killing it with Action...
Killing it with CHANGE..
MY CAREER,,,My purpose.

This comes First...

What Im relieved and thankful that Stephen mentions Mystery...and how Needy he is..

My issues of neediness really is out of validation and insecurity.. with this new BELIEF AND CHANGE WITH ACTION..

The neediness is taking care of itsself..

I stop trying hard and putting 100% on EFFORT into my GOAL my career my Purpose..

I think this in timing was BEST THING...

Its alot of work and SACRIFICE..

but like Millionaire and succesful people..they sacrifice certain things to work on GOAL everyday till they get it...being focused..

like ERic Thomas said..

Make your drive to success like breathing then you are on the right sleep no eating ,,,focus and work hard,,day and night to get it..

I think this is powerful..

this has helped me..

MEANING of this and security with Ray Lewis mentions EFFORT... is which I am doing finally.
Im aware of saying  oh I did x and not caring or detaching..

but with EFFORT and 100% work ...its chances and nature and law of attraction all that stuff comes into working to your GOAL..

THis is the MOST empowering moment of My Life...

Its defining ME as a MAN..

thanks Stephen Nash..thanks for putting this into perspective..
I think this is the beginning to SUCESSFUL MAN and BEING ALIGNED WITH QUALITY in LIFE.

"A Man who is Needy with women is untrust worthy...reason is women see you how you treat yours life as how you relate to passionate about Life is about  relationship to your LIFE and relationship picture to her about your world...this natural way of Gain her TRUST" Wow.....sounds liek nothign yet when you put this into practice and personal growth and then relate to women dating etc...
then Masculine Man comes out...

Putting yourself FIRST and CEntering your POWER on yourself

I had some weird realization due to some time I thought it was my technique or self delusional talk of NEXT  but reason is  due to high level of stress...some flinching of insecurity and NEEDINESS came out in a subtle way which sabotage my desperation to "GAME"

THis is reality of Life and what its needed to  be on NEXT LEVEL of AWARENESS

Ive learned detachement and lettgin go...meditation which is all good.

but a WEBINAR from Stephen Nash really opened my eyes to INNER GAME which has placed in perfect timing my masculine Life structure

I have at somethigns in life placed myself last and try to cater to women to get laid...
most PUA tactics and GAME does this...

But as Ive been practicng my CENTER...spiritually dicipline myself to FOCUS on my MAIN GOAL..

Ray Lewis with his Effort speeches and Eric Thomas motivation speech have opened my eyes to motivate me into NEW ACTION and ENERGY

50 cents quote SLEEP IS FOR BROEK PEOPLE has really helped me maintain Eye of the tiger into my Mission at this moment and putting this GAME aside..
I feel so self sufficient and Self dependent..

I see from 50 cent and in interview with robert greene about 50th LAw which is FEARLESS
in short its recognizing FEAR and reframing with AWARENESS...

SO once they FEEL FEAR....they interpret as alert of BEign AWARE and intelligently take action at that moment without reacting on that FEAR or negative emotion...

WAR book which has example of hernan cortes also influence me in how BEING RASH isnt necesary to be  a MAN or MASCULINE in being right all the time..

Its about being asssertive and intelligent in GOALS and in taking ACTION.,

Examples about 50cent and Byonce by EricThomas about SLeep and eating...and important BREATHE..

is really DEEP about how hungry you truly are to succeeed..

Stephen really puts it together on his webinar which I think is awesome put together...any guy who cant digest or take for granted needs to GROW up and be a MAN.

This is really needed to be a MAN.

Every successful man, business man or sucessful person have a self sufficient

btu for dating Stepehen puts something out that really is GOLD.

making or discovering your purpose.... is more about Finding yourself and being sure of yourself and working on yourself FIRST before you try PUA tactics..

not about lifestyle or other stuff...its MINDSET and BELIEFS..

IF you want to listen in on this GEM from Stepehen Nash heres the Link ...